Depending on the type of tooth there can be two three four or five cusps present. The surfaces towards the tongue are called. Occlusion Dentistry Wikiwand Are bicuspids anterior teeth. . The chewing surfaces of the posterior teeth are called. Triangular ridges are those that project from the cusp tips of premolar and molars to the central groove. Lingual The surface that faces the tongue. Teeth with these conditions are hard to clean and are very susceptible to decay. The structure of the roof of the mouth is called the. On anterior teeth they are located on the mesial and distal borders of the lingual surface. To get a clearer picture of the various tooth surfaces refer to figure 4-15 which has previously been discussed. Total of 20 teeth. Each tooth has two proximal surfaces which are surfaces that face adjacent teeth. The biting edges of the anterior teeth are known as the incisal edges...
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